"The Leaf and Debris Collecting Attachment"

Attaches to a 48-Gallon Square Waste Receptacle

"The Fast and Easy
Way to Bag Leaves"

Never again have anxiety over the thought of having to bag leaves. The Slap-on attachment is the fast, clean, easy way to bag leaves and other debris. No more struggling to keep a bag open as you attempt to pick up leaves with your hands. Bagging jobs that previously took you and another helper hours to complete can now be done by you alone in mere minutes. Simply slap on the attachment over a can liner lining a 48-gallon square waste receptacle, set the receptacle on its side and begin raking. It's as easy as that.

Consider the Slap-On attachment for anything that can be raked or swept


Slap-on Attachment:

• Durable plastic
• No assembly necessary
• Easy to attach and remove
• No snaring of the bag
• Long prongs secure can
liner to the side of the

Why the 48-Gallon Square Waste Receptacle?

• Wide 23” x 23” opening
• Sits waist high
• Fills 55-gallon bags
• Solid, durable plastic container
• Opening sits flush with the



Now selling at WW Grainger


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